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Who is Qualified to Interview new Hire ?

This article is very specific to IT Industry.

 1. Focus 
We all focus on how to find the best hire and if we don't have qualified people to find them then we never gonna find good people.

2. Problem
I believe not everyone is qualified for this job. "Non-Qualified" people are not qualified only in interviewing new hires and they might be good for what they were brought in. So what is the impact of having Non-Qualified people in an interview process ?
  1. They will add no value to it
  2. They will waste their and someone else time
  3. If there are more non-qualified people in the process they will certainly end-up with one more
  4. In a democratic process their bad vote weaken's a good one
  5. Their contribution most of the time will be negative*

3. So why Non-Qualified people are part of the process ?
  1. Management takes this too casually 
  2. Too busy
  3. Don't realize the high cost of hiring and firing *

4. How to spot Non-Qualified People ?
  1. Often they take things personally and screw conversation
  2. No respect for people's works
  3. They like to disprove person rather understanding his skill level
  4. Not honest, and will not hire better then them

4. How to find Qualified People ?
  1. They should be good listener and honest otherwise they shouldn't get a solo ride
  2. Any person part of the interview should have a clear role defined and document what purpose it serves and review this document over time
  3. Manager or Director who requires new hire should be part of all interactions with the finalist, since ultimately he/she is responsible*
  4. Any person part of the interview should provide a written report that should be referred in future if you start disliking the candidate
  5. No Solo interview assignment should be given to any person until most senior and qualified member (Manager or Director) approve and judge his ability in half a dozen interviews.


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