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OAuth 2.0 vs JWT

JWT replaces the cookie and makes APIs / Web stateless

JWT Token can easily be decoded

JWT has No true logout

Always use: Authorization: Bearer <TOKEN>

Bearer authentication scheme prevents CSRF attacks

sample JWT token includes the following elements.

Header : Algorithm and token type

“alg”: “HS256”,
“typ”: “JWT”

Payload : data

“sub”: “1234567890”,
“name”: “John Doe”,
“admin”: true

Verify signature:

base64UrlEncode(header) + "." +

Final output:

. eyJzdWIiOiIxMjM0NTY3ODkwIiwibmFtZSI6IkpvaG4gRG9lIiwiYWRtaW4iOnRydWV9

Using JWT.IO we can easily decode, verify and generate JWT tokens.

OAuth 2.0:

Authorization Framework:

Support APIs, Web, etc.

OAuth 2.0 Key Components

  1. Authorization Server (Token Factory, e.g. GitHub)
  2. Resource Server (API / Microservice, e.g. GitHub API)
  3. Client  (UI / Mobile / API / Microservice e.g. Login with GitHub )
  4. User (Resource Owner)
  5. User Agent (Device/Browser)
OAuth 2.0 Grant Types
  1. Authorization Code 
    1. Used for User Authorization by Web / Mobile
    2. (e.g. Login with Github UI button -> GitHub for Authorization -> Token to access GitHub APIs on behalf of the user)
    3. Requires Web/Mobile client to register with GitHub and have a client-secret to make token validation, refresh calls
    4. The browser only sees a temp code. The client takes the temp code along with client-secret to get access-token
    5. The client should register the Authorization Server have the client-id/client-secret with it
  2. Client Credentials
    1. Machine-Machine communication
    2.  (Go to GitHub and generate Client ID/Client Secret to access GitHub APIs)
PKCE for single page Apps

Single Sign-on Across Sites

2008 had only SAML & Login Forms / cookies
** No way to support Mobile Apps Login
** No way to support Delegated Authorization

OpenID Connect is for Authentication
OAuth 2.0 is for Authorization

What does OpenID Connect add?
  1. ID Token
  2. UserInfo endpoint for getting more user info
  3. A standard set of scopes
  4. Standardized implementation
When to Use OpenID Connect?
  • Form login
  • Single sign-on across sites
  • Mobile App login
  • Delegated authorization (OAuth 2.0)

When using OpenID Connect

Login with Google will go with an extra scope: openid
and will return with extra /userinfo endpoint and openid token for requesting more user profile info


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