What is Carpet Area, Built up Area, Saleable Area?
Please read this 4 page article few times to understand how builders use the above terms to fool people in thinking about apartment sizes. Technically on paper you can buy 1500 sft apartment with real area far less then that.
Typical Calculation:
Super Build-up Area = ( Carpet Area + (balcony/terrace) * 0.5 ) * 1.3
Carpet Area - Area within your apartment walls.
Balcony - Area with ceiling but without walls on all sides.
Terrace - Area without ceiling and without walls on all sides
Why are we multiplying total area by 1.3 ?
Thats called loading factor, builders give exclusive rights to area within your aprt walls but not to stairs, and lifts, and to cover this cost they add 30% more.
P.S: Parking space cost in Hyderabad is around 1-15 Lakhs.