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Cricbay DRR calculation technique made easy

Seaon is coming to an end and everyone is closely watching team DRR and here is an simple method of predicting match DRR.

10 is the magic number to get 0.50 DRR.

Bat first

win by 10 runs and your DRR will be 0.50.
likewise 20 runs diff will give 1.00 DRR etc

Bat second

You need the below formula to calcuate balls required to get 0.50 DRR.
(runs/runs+10) * 120)
chasing 60 runs you will need ==> 60/70 * 120 ==> 103 balls to get 0.50 DRR
chasing 80 you will do ==> 80/90 * 120 ==> 108 balls to get 0.50 DRR

Note: if you are still wondering how to calculate loosing DRR just remember DRR lost by one team is gain by others i.e. just put a minus infront of winners DRR.
Note: All the calculations are rounded to nearest decimal.

--- Wondering how I got to the nos ---

Bat first

DRR formula ==> (Runs scored/Ball faced - Runs gave/Balls bolwed) * 6
If you bat first and win that way you and your oppoent will end up playing 120 balls either by playing all balls or loosing all wickets.
Let b == Balls faced == Balls bolwed == 120, r1 is runs scored and r2 is runs gave. Now apply the variables to the formula.
( r1/b - r2/b ) * 6
(r1 - r2) * 6 / 120
(r1 - r2) * 1/20
i.e If r1 - r2 equals 10 then DRR will be 10 * 1/20 ==> 0.50

Bat Second

Let x == Runs gave == Runs chased ==> this a variable
Let y is balls needed to chase x runs. Now apply these to formula
(x/y - x/120) * 6 ==> i.e. (x/y - x/120) should be equal to 0.166 so when multiply by 6 will get 1 DRR
x/y - x/120 = 0.166
(120x - xy) / 120y = 0.166
120x -xy = 0.166 * 120y
120x -xy = 19.92.y
120x = 19.92y + xy
120x = y (x + 19.92)
y = 120x / (x+20)
y = x/x+20 * 120
i.e. for DRR 0.50 you need to find balls by x/x+20 * 120

eg to get 0.50 DRR for below runs you need following balls.

chasing 50 runs balls = 50/60 * 120 ==> 100
chasing 60 runs balls = 60/70 * 120 ==> 103
chasing 70 runs balls = 70/80 * 120 ==> 105
chasing 80 runs balls = 80/90 * 120 ==> 108
chasing 90 runs balls = 90/100 * 120 ==> 109

Hope this helps every team member keep a tap on DRR.


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