What I like in Spring
What is like most in Spring 3.x
- Spring IOC - Its all about programming to Interfaces, Though some people argue its a over kill
- Spring Security - Protects URL's and Object Methods
- Spring JPA -
- Spring Data
- Spring Transactions
- Spring Scheduling
- Spring support for JAX-WS
- Spring AOP
- Spring Testing - Ability to test Transactional objects and rollback
What is like most in Spring 3.x
- Annotations - I hate XML, i don't have to switch files (xml and java) to finish my java class and bug free.
- @Async - love this, you can use this in many situations specially sending Emails.
- @Timer - Simple and great Timer implementation,
- @Cacheable - Dead simple method cache implementation, other alternative is to use Spring Modules framework's which has little complex configuration