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Showing posts from August, 2011
               Top 10 Apps missing in HP TouchPad Without these Apps my experience is only limited to browsing web pages, though WebOS is really better multitasking device than iOS but without commonly used Apps it's only limited. 1. Native YouTube App   - You can't just use finger to do everything on 60%                       2. Netflix - I love to do multitasking, with Netflix running and ability to do other stuff     3 Facebook - Most of the people always like to be connected all the time here   My Mistake Skype Video is working     4  Skype - Ability to do voice and video chat, and without this I need to keep my Mac on.   5 Google Talk - Ability to do voice, video chat...

What I like in Spring

What I like in Spring  Spring IOC - Its all about programming to Interfaces, Though some people argue its a over kill Spring Security - Protects URL's and Object Methods  Spring JPA -  Spring Data Spring Transactions Spring Scheduling Spring support for JAX-WS Spring AOP Spring Testing - Ability to test Transactional objects and rollback What is like most in Spring 3.x Annotations - I hate XML, i don't have to switch files (xml and java) to finish my java class and bug free. @Async - love this, you can use this in many situations specially sending Emails.  @Timer - Simple and great Timer implementation, @Cacheable - Dead simple method cache implementation, other alternative is to use Spring Modules framework's which has little complex configuration

What I like about ORM vs JDBC

Remember not one tool is right for all the problems, for instance if you are building something simple as Twitter which has couple of tables, and you have never used ORM, then its waste of time to learn ORM and do things, on the other hand if you are building something complex, evolving application and need more time to spend on solving business problems and UX then you can't effort to spend extra time on just figuring out how to store and retrieve data into a DB. And here are the few things I like about ORM Domain Model - Think data as Domain Object not as Tables and Relationships Standard Query Language - with JDBC we still get locked-in with proprietary SQL, whereas ORM provides great Query Language which is performance tuned for all supported DB's Less Code - less testing, less complexity, and less time  Concurrency and Locking - easily version data and protect data integrity in a concurrent environment Caching - Great support for standalone a...

JQuery Mobile Split Screen 20-80 hack

Use JQuery Mobile's Grid Layout and just override "width" on "ui-block-a" and "ui-block-b" to split screen as per your need. Tested on : iPad, iPhone, and PC Below is fully functional page, you can download and open it in a browser to see the live demo.  <!DOCTYPE html> <html>     <head>         <title></title>         <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=MacRoman">         <link rel="stylesheet" href="" />         <script src=""></script>         <script src=""></script>     </head>     <body>         <div data-role="page" id="foo">    ...