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Data Types in Java

Session 1 - Data Types in Java

What is Data ?
 Most of you have shopped online and this is what a typical purchase looks like

  1.     You select a product which has a Price, Tax, Quantity
  2.     You pay using your Credit Card by entering Name, CC Number, Expiration Date, Billing    Address, Zipcode
Words above in Bold are data.

What is then Data Type ?
   Can we say Price, Tax, Quantity is of type Number because we can apply Arithmetic (+, -, /, *, %) Operations on them, i.e. we multiply Price Quantity and than add Tax.
Similarly Your Name, Address are text because it doesn't make sense to have Arithmetic Operation on them and in Java we call them String.

Supported Data Types in Java
  String   -  Text
  double  - Real Numbers i.e. 33.2, 20.0 etc
  int         - Non-Real Numbers i.e. 10, 30, 3453 etc

Typical Java Programs using the above Data Types

public class DataTypesDemo {
    public static void main(String[] args) {

        // define a Data Variable message of type String
        String message = "Hello World!";
        // print to console i.e. black screen

        Code Snippet - 1

        // define a Data Variables of type int
        int x = 10;
        int y = 20;
        int z = x + y;
        // print to console i.e. black screen

        Code Snippet - 2
       // define a Data Variables of type int
        double x = 10.0;
        double y = 20.0;
        double z = x + y;
        // print to console i.e. black screen
Question for you.
  what type is Phone No. (i.e. int or String) ?
    Its String since you will never apply Arithmetic Operations on it.

There are few others Data Types which I missed that can be found in any book. 


Jon said…
I know this is an 'introduction', but Java Doubles are NOT real numbers! They are _approximations_ of Real numbers! Doubles/Floats should NEVER under any circumstance be used for prices! Watch the movie Office Space for an explanation... or try this code at home:

public static void testSomething() {
double maybeOne = .1 * 10;
System.out.println("Does .1 x 10 = 1 in floating point math?");
System.out.println(maybeOne == 1);
System.out.println("Actual Value:" + maybeOne);

maybeOne = .1 + .1 + .1 + .1 + .1 + .1 + .1 + .1 + .1 + .1;
System.out.println("How about if we add .1 ten times?");
System.out.println(maybeOne == 1);
System.out.println("Actual Value:" + maybeOne);


Does .1 x 10 = 1 in floating point math?
Actual Value:1.0
How about if we add .1 ten times?
Actual Value:0.9999999999999999
Jon said…
Good post other than that small technical error!
Its also advisable to use BigDecimal instead of float and double if you are doing price calculation. also checking float value in loop or if condition could result in erroneous comparison .

An Example of using ArrayList in Java 1.5 with generics
Somnath Kayal said…
good blog & here also a good blog which describe the data types in java in a clear diagram, so people can easily read and understand.

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