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Showing posts from December, 2017


Intro - Promises to show start-up evolution/road-map so you can better capitalize on these patterns. Efficiency becomes critical discipline at a start-up as resources, time and money are often limited. 1. Create:   Best ideas aren't manufactured, superior technology does not automatically produce superior products, and that products succeed because they solve real problems or provide real new opportunities.  Find an idea, form the team and raise money. Mistakes here are often costly. 2. Release:    Don't suffer from perfectionism    Listen the hardest (positive/negative feedback)    Avoid going too low or too high in this phase 3. Morph:      Being flexible if pivot or build on top 4. Model    Nail the business model, should generate cash and will increase if more money is thrown.    Strong business model characteristics       High margins, Low friction, High leverage, ...

The Innovators Dilemma by Clayton - (User reviews/comments)

For decades, the United States has been the bastion of great Capitalist Innovation. With the American system, it was thought, you had the greatest chance to take a great idea to tremendous wealth and power. What does that really mean? It means having a great education system, a great financial system, and a great patent system. When you finally take your widget to the market, your accountant might even tap you on the shoulder and ask you about taking the company public. An IPO (Initial Public Offering). Taking the company public is a great way to motivate your employees (they can be paid in stock), and allows the company to grow rapidly in value, based on public perception. A few years later you're issuing quarterly reports and the stock price is bouncing up and down based on the contents of that report. After a few years, the company begins to stall out: your widgets are more advanced than they ever were, but you latest model hasn't done so hot in the market. Your loyal cust...