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Showing posts from August, 2016

HyperForm: A Practical Guide to Docker For Windows Administrators

Linux & Docker has succeeded in finding a place alongside Windows in many enterprise environments. More than ever before, Windows administrators need to be familiar with Linux & Docker and understand the relative strengths and weaknesses of the two platforms. Written for the Windows administrator, this guide provides practical information on integrating Linux, Docker, and Windows. At the writing of this guide Docker container tech for Windows is in the Tech-Preview state. And it will take even more time for most of the official docker images to be available for Windows.  In this guide, we'll be focussing on automation of the following workflows. Docker Containers running on top of Linux Virtual Machines. Linux Virtual Machines running on top of Hyper-V Windows Virtual Machines running on top of Hyper-V First , let's quickly glance over Docker  terminology and  container lifecycle. Image Is a container snapshot just like in a virtualization wo...