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Showing posts from May, 2012

Riak vs MongoDB vs MySQL Performance tests 1

Environment 1  Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU           X3430  @ 2.40GHz Cores: 4 8 MB Cache Memory : 6GB ulimit : 1024 OS : CentOS 5.4 Riak : 1.1 MySQL 5.1 (Highly tuned system) Test data : Object : username, email, id Both test's were run from Java clients To make this test little meaningful I've send each read/write command to mysql in its own request. MySQL Single Node (time in ms)   inserts : 50, time : 871  inserts : 100, time : 324  inserts : 200, time : 835  inserts : 500, time : 1936  inserts : 1000, time : 3275  gets : 50, time : 55  gets : 100, time : 60  gets : 200, time : 119  gets : 500, time : 304  gets : 1000, time : 582 Riak Single Node (Recommended is 3 Nodes)   inserts : 50, time : 461  inserts : 100, time : 486  inserts : 200, time : 1473  inserts : 500, time : 3609  inserts : 1000, time : 6442  gets : 50, ti...

Simple Log4J Yahoo mail setup to recieve production errors as emails

Receive all server exceptions as email, never miss one, easy to share and discuss with the others Follow these simple steps to configure Log4j to use Yahoo mail. Step 1: Add dependencies         <dependency>             <groupId>javax.mail</groupId>             <artifactId>mail</artifactId>             <version>1.4</version>         </dependency>                <!-- Log4j -->         <dependency>             <groupId>log4j</groupId>             <artifactId>log4j</artifa...

Simple setup Log4j with GMail and recieve all errors as email

Receive all server exceptions as email, never miss one, easy to share and discuss with the others Follow these simple steps to configure Log4j to use GMail. Step 1: Add dependencies         <dependency>             <groupId>javax.mail</groupId>             <artifactId>mail</artifactId>             <version>1.4</version>         </dependency>                <!-- Log4j -->         <dependency>             <groupId>log4j</groupId>             <artifactId>log4j</artifactId...

Simple reusable GMailJava class for sending Aysnc emails via Gmail

Simple reusable GMailJava class for sending Aysnc emails. Copy the class, change the username/password and use it in your next project.  Step 1: Add dependencies to your maven project <!-- mail --> <dependency> <groupId>javax.mail</groupId> <artifactId>mail</artifactId> <version>1.4</version> </dependency> <!-- Apache Commons Validator --> <dependency> <groupId>commons-validator</groupId> <artifactId>commons-validator</artifactId> <version>1.4.0</version> </dependency> Step 2: Copy to your project & set username/password code: Note: Enable pop, IMAP inside GMail --> Settings --> Forwarding and POP / IMAP Sample code EmailService ema...

Send emails using Yahoo

Simple reusable YahooMailJava class for sending Aysnc emails via Yahoo. Copy the class, change the username/password and use it in your next project.  Step 1: Add dependencies to your maven project <!-- mail --> <dependency> <groupId>javax.mail</groupId> <artifactId>mail</artifactId> <version>1.4</version> </dependency> <!-- Apache Commons Validator --> <dependency> <groupId>commons-validator</groupId> <artifactId>commons-validator</artifactId> <version>1.4.0</version> </dependency> Step 2: Copy to your project and set username/password code: Sample code YahooMailService emailService = YahooMailService.getInstance(); emailService...

GMailJava class for sending Async emails

Simple reusable GMailJava class for sending Aysnc emails. Copy the class, change the username/password and use it in your next project.  Step 1: Add dependencies to your maven project <!-- mail --> <dependency> <groupId>javax.mail</groupId> <artifactId>mail</artifactId> <version>1.4</version> </dependency> <!-- Apache Commons Validator --> <dependency> <groupId>commons-validator</groupId> <artifactId>commons-validator</artifactId> <version>1.4.0</version> </dependency> Step 2: Copy to your project & set username/password code: Sample code EmailService emailService = EmailService.getInstance(); emailService.sendEmail("<toemail>...

Free website monitor service and seo

  Website Uptime Monitor Service  is a really nice simple service to monitor websites for free, No registration or signup is required, just put the site url, email and start monitoring. Few other features they plan to offer. Free  Features! 1. Site/Web Service Monitor  2. Email Alerts  3. Weekly reports  4. Checkout site uptime status anytime 5. SEO & Social Media coverage on Twitter, G+, FB, Pinterest, Blogger, Reddit for 95+ percent uptime! They also have Android, iOS, Window's Mobile Apps also their site is compatible with all major smart phones. Here is their website...