This is a simple DB update... Replace ValidPLID with a valid layout plid from layout table.. update layout set typesettings = (select typesettings from layout where plid = ValidPLID ) where groupid in ( select groupid from group_ where name in (select concat('',userid) from user_ ) ) and privatelayout = 0 and friendlyurl like '/home'; update layout set typesettings = (select typesettings from layout where plid = ValidPLID ) where groupid in ( select groupid from group_ where name in (select concat('',userid) from user_ ) ) and privatelayout = 1 and friendlyurl like '/home'; Incase if you have dead portlets visible on user public or private pages just delete records from resource_ table. delete from resource_ where resourceid in ( select r.resourceid from resource_ r , (select concat (plid, '%') p from layout where friendlyurl like '/home' and groupid in ( select groupid from group_ where name in ( select concat('',use...