I have prepared from the following materials EJB in Action GOF Design patterns J2EE Design patterns JEE 5 tutorial from Sun.com JavaPassion.com (EJB, JAX-WS) Real exam was different than what I've learned from the above books, SCEA 5 exam was challenging, its an Enterprise Architect Certification so the focus was on solving architectural problems (Scalability, Availability, Maintainability, Picking right technology, & Patterns) So the above materials covered 60-70% of the objectives, rest of the questions I had to answer from my experience, and most of the answer choices were pretty close. Example However i can't post the real question so I'm providing this from my own Question: Pick the right technology for sending XML based reliable message to another system. A: JMS B: JAX-WS C: RMI D: Stateless bean as you can see A, B, C are all correct i.e. we can send an XML message to another system reliably My Advice: However I would cross all those choice which...